Researchers have a broad range of ethical responsibilities to their colleagues, their institution, and the public, and only a short list of them will be mentioned here. One of the key responsibilities that researchers have is to communicate research findings in an honest, sincere, complete, and competent way. Research practices that knowingly or deliberately deceive others must be avoided. Also, researchers must ensure that the integrity of their work is maintained to the greatest degree possible. Transparency can be a crucial step in this regard. It can include disclosing a relevant conflict of interest to appropriate entities such as a funding source, a journal editor, or an institutional committee.
As best as they can, researchers should seek to ensure that they clearly communicate with the public. This is especially important if a researcher has good reason to believe that the public might be harmed. Though it can be difficult to determine whether and how to reveal research findings, especially if proprietary information is involved, protecting the public should be a researcher’s foremost ethical concern. As the fundamental canon of engineering codes of ethics states, it is vital that “the safety, health, and welfare of the public” is upheld in professional practice and in research activities.
Another responsibility that researchers have is to avoid practices that erode the public's trust. For example, if researchers use funds from a federal grant purely for their own personal benefit, not only is this unethical and illegal, but it abuses the trust that the public has placed in researchers and in institutions like Georgia Tech.
Other Links & Resources
- American Association of University Professors: Statement on Professional Ethics
- American Chemical Society: Ethical and Professional Guidelines
- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics: Code of Ethics
- American Institute of Chemical Engineers: Code of Ethics
- American Mathematical Society: Ethical Guidelines
- American Physical Society: Guidelines for Professional Conduct
- American Society of Civil Engineers: Code of Ethics
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers: Code of Ethics of Engineers (PDF)
- American Society of Safety Engineers: Code of Professional Conduct
- American Sociological Association: ASA Code of Ethics
- Association for Computing Machinery: ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
- European Commission: Responsible Research and Innovation
- Human Factors and Ergonomics Society: Code of Ethics
- The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers: IEEE Code of Ethics
- Institute of Industrial Engineers: Engineering Code of Ethics
- International Council on Systems Engineering: INCOSE Code of Ethics
- National Science Foundation: Broader Impacts
- National Society of Professional Engineers: NSPE Code of Ethics for Engineers
- Sigma Xi: Research Ethics
- Society for Neuroscience: ProfessionalConduct: SfN Ethics Policy
- Society of Public Health Engineers: SoPHE Code of Professional Conduct
- Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice (from the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Task Force on Software Engineering Ethics and Professional Practices)
- Tau Beta Pi: Code of Ethics of Engineers
- World Federation of Engineering Organizations: The Code of Ethics (PDF)