RCR training requirements vary depending on whether a student, postdoc, or faculty/staff member is covered by the RCR Academic Policy for Doctoral Students, the RCR Academic Policy for Master's Thesis Students, and/or the RCR Compliance Policy. Listed below are the available training options. (More information about the NSF Faculty training requirement is coming soon.)
Online Training
Online RCR training offered by the CITI Program (be sure to go through this link so that your course completion will be logged in your official GT records)
RCR Workshops and Events
These training events are an option for undergraduate students, master's students, and postdocs who are seeking to satisfy the in-person training, or re-training, requirement in the RCR Compliance Policy.
RCR Courses
In-house training approaches approved to satisfy the in-person RCR training requirement for doctoral students, including those funded by a covered NSF or NIH project.
Resources for Team Meetings
Resources for PIs and other faculty who are seeking to provide RCR training opportunities for their research team.